Saturday, January 31, 2015

:: LIFE :: February | IMPROVEMENT

Hello, loves!

It's here: the February Forecast! And the theme for February is IMPROVEMENT.

Lena Stevens of The Power Path shares some beautiful and very strong messages in this month's forecast; ones that I know ring true for each and every one of us. So for those of you who might be more inclined to give me a tilted-head smile as you rush off thinking, "I've got more important things to do than read this hippie drivel," I say to you, in the words of Jackson Pollock:

“Every good painter paints what he is.”

Mural, 1943
more Jackson Pollock via Artsy

A painting, much like life, is a missed opportunity for greatness if the painter doesn't create from a place of belief; belief in both its conception and execution. I urge you all to take a moment for yourselves to be open minded, to acknowledge, to become aware, and to exercise belief as you paint your life's image. Do you believe that your painting can be everything you dreamed it to be and that you can make the necessary improvements in order to execute? Or will you paint only what you assume can be painted at this time because you've become tripped up by impatience and martyrdom, believing that there's not time for improvement or that it is outside of your reach?

One of the main areas of IMPROVEMENT is communication with self. Take this opportunity to observe the mixed messages you give yourself about what you really want, what you are willing to do, and how you are willing to show up. This is a good month to study your fear patterns and change your beliefs. Most of us communicate way more judgment than unconditional love and acceptance to ourselves. You have the chance to change that this month and to improve the messages you give yourself so they align better with the life you wish to create.

What kind of painter will you be?


Thursday, January 1, 2015

:: LIFE :: January | ACTIVATION

First things first... HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! It's pretty amazing that 2014 -- a year that I've deemed on several occasions to be "my best and worst yet" -- has come and gone already. I will post a bit of retrospective on 2014 soon, but today I want to focus on the brilliant light that shines in front of us: 2015! Let's begin with what we can all expect out of the first month...

The Power Path was kind enough to post the January forecast early, so yesterday (on December 31st, 2014), I had the immense pleasure of reading the new forecast in advance of New Year's Eve celebrations. It really kick started my day and made me think long and hard about how I wanted to enter into the new year. Unfortunately, I've been struck down with a cold over the holidays so, physically speaking, I entered the new year on my sofa wrapped in a giant sweater, coughing after each sip of champagne (hey, I was sick and alone on New Year Eve -- I had to at least have champagne). But mentally, I was more aware of what I wanted to pursue in this new year; what I wanted to activate in my life...

That's right, the theme for January is ACTIVATION. And boy oh boy was this a good read. It was so inspiring and energetically charged that I literally found myself reading the entire forecast aloud, almost yelling with each statement of action, "...STEP INTO YOUR OWN CREATIVE POWER..." AHHHH! LET'S DO THIS, EVERYONE! Commencing countdown, engines ON!

But beyond just the pure energy that coursed through the words on the page, this month's forecast was filled with, what I like to refer to as, a "don't be a puss" attitude. Precisely so, the first paragraph gets right to it...

"This is not the month to be passive, apathetic or be waiting for someone else to solve what is not working in your life."

This is such a common affect, and one that can quickly snowball into a lifetime of negativity if you don't catch it. So the first step is to be aware. The next step is to be open. While many of Lena Stevens' words are, affectionately, like a swift kick in the ass, the rest of the forecast reads as insightful and full of guidance as you'd expect. If you're open to guidance and ready to receive all that spirit has to offer, simply follow the bullet-pointed road, as she literally breaks down how you can make the most of this month into a list of bullet points (it doesn't get much simpler than that!). As we all know, the gap between saying something and doing something can sometimes stretch much farther and deeper than we're prepared to navigate. Luckily for us, this forecast is like an already-decoded treasure map -- you just have to stay on the path.

I hope you enjoy this month's forecast as much as I do. And again, a Happy New Year to you and yours. May 2015 awaken the creative monsters within us all!
