January was an intense month, riding in on the energetic wave of the new year and full of activation. February was a time to make improvements as we set ourselves up for having the most epic year of our lives yet. Now, March is upon us and things like Spring cleaning and taxes are on the top of our minds. These are great milestones that can be used to regain control in areas of your life that you feel may have been thrown out of whack over the last few months. Whether it's reclaiming your home through extensive purging and giving it a sparkling new look, reassessing your finances with your taxes in mind so you can plan for your future, or both, March is the perfect time to take back control and reestablish your personal power.
Which brings us to The Power Path's Monthly Forecast for March: POWER.
Once again, Lena Stevens does a tremendous job of translating the energy of the month into inspiring and actionable words. As she states right off the bat, power has many layers to be explored. So before you pump yourself up too much and go all Incredible Hulk on me, read carefully about how to observe, identify and work with the many different forms that power takes in our individual lives. It lives so much deeper than the superficial manifestations that our society typically associates with the word. The inner, spiritual element of power is where everything else eventually stems from. So before getting caught up in what you think you need to achieve your own personal power, get grounded, quiet and contemplative about who you want to be. While you're clearing your clutter and sorting out your cash monies, taking control of your possessions so that they don't possess you, remind yourself of that person you want to be and find ways to stay connected to him/her at all times. Remind yourself everyday in your quest for power so that your energy does not go to waste on efforts that do not serve the authentic you.
Watch out for the seduction of the false personality this month and make a special bid for power that puts you more in touch with the power of your own inner authenticity and right to live a life connected to spirit.
- Lena Stevens
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