Tuesday, June 30, 2015


We're half way there! Literally, half way through the year. And figuratively, half way through our own personal maturation. While many of us may be well beyond the chronological age of maturation as we typically think of it, the energy of the universe is now forcing us all to examine our ways and grow beyond what we have come to establish as our "norm." For that norm was created with old patterns that no longer serve us. They may not have been bad or wrong necessarily, but we are a constantly evolving species and we cannot stay attached to those old patterns if we wish to thrive. As Lena Stevens of The Power Path states, "we have reached the time of adolescence in our own growth cycle and evolution." And that can only mean one thing...

GROWING PAINS. As the theme for July's Forecast, it may have us a little nervous about what's to come and, if you have any recollection of the growing pains from your childhood, the trepidation is only natural. But the world around us is ever evolving as well, and we have to expect that change will come our way, sometimes from multiple directions at once. By reflecting on the patterns established by our inner child, and how we can learn from them rather than perpetuate them, we begin to understand our ability to accept change and the subsequent growing pains, and view them from a new perspective; one based on an opportunity for the future, rather than fear or regret from the past.

Even as small children, the natural tendency has always been to move quickly through our current state and onto the next, presumably better phase of life: wanting to dress up our parents' clothes, or longing for iniation into the big kids' club. We want to be there, or have this already! But this month is not about a race to the enlightened finish line, or crossing "evolve" off of your to-do list. This is a month of healing, which is a process. But it can be a powerful one with the right mindset and people by our side. In order to heal the inner child anchoring us to our habits of the past, we need love, support, and trust, in both our inner and outer environments. As you continue on to read the July forecast, think about how you have the power to create the necessary changes in both of these environments to reinforce your journey...
There is tremendous opportunity this month to restructure your life based on healing your own inner child and adolescence and allowing for a new alignment of the masculine and feminine both for you personally and for the greater planetary community. The end result will be more personal power, a greater sense of freedom to live your life the way you want, and a deeper experience of self-love and confidence. There has never been a better time than now to move into a place of more trust in spirit and a deep inner knowing that all is as it should be. So embrace your growing pains and enjoy the ride.
- Lena Stevens

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