Monday, January 25, 2010

:: GOAL TRACKER :: Update 1/25/10

:: get a job!

I have some good-ish news to report on the job front.  After 6 months of sending my resume off into the veritable abyss that is the job market, I got two nibbles.  One for a part-time position and one for a full-time position.  Obviously my preference is for the full-time position, and luckily that is just the more appealing job to me anyway.  But I did already get an offer for the part-time position, which was bumped up to full-time when they heard that I was up for another position -- hot dawg!  However, even though it would now be full-time, the position is only temporary and on an as-needed basis.  So I'm still holding out for the original full-time job.  I just completed my second interview with them this morning and I'm hoping to hear back soon on whether or not I'm continuing on in the process.  It's a long process apparently, but I'm more than happy to be patient through it all if it means I'm going to have a job within the next month.  So I'm asking y'all to keep your fingers crossed and send good thoughts my direction please!!

:: move to San Francisco
Still contingent on my job search, so at this point it's on hold.  Of course for those who know me, you know I tend to have my head up in the clouds a bit, and so of course I started looking at what apartments are available now and just briefly starting coming up with a furniture layout in my head for the ones that I really liked... I'm a dreamer, what can I say?

:: read more books
I am happy to report that I'm finally getting back on track with Eat, Pray, Love and I'm nearing the end.  I'm not even going to bother with A New Earth at the moment because I'm just not all that excited about finishing it right now.  Great book, but just not the time for it.  And unfortunately, while I am very excited to be a part of the book club The Book Lushes, I am going to have to sit out on the first book.  I just feel swamped with the all these interviews and preparing for my sister's baby shower.  One book is enough for right now.  Don't hate me, Sarah!  I'll hop on the train on the next book!

:: relearn French
I haven't quite put those CDs and computer programs to use yet (and by that I mean not at all), BUT I do have the pleasure of listening to my boyfriend's new French roommates converse in French on occasion, so I'm hoping to pick up a little from them.

:: lose 15 pounds
Ummmm, yeah.  I don't know when working out meant that you gained weight, but apparently that's what I've been doing.  I know you can gain muscle mass, which weighs more than fat and so increases your overall body weight, but I really didn't think I was building that much new muscle.  I mean, I do weights and strength training but I use light weights and do repeated reps.  I just figured that muscle helps you burn more fat so I should include that in my routine.  Yet somehow, I've gained two pounds back... >:(.  And I haven't even been eating any more than usual either.  So I think I'm going to stick to just cardio and maybe one or two calisthenics, and hopefully I'll see an improvement soon.  But today was an awesome workout, p.s..  I ran 2.5 miles today and probably could have gone longer if my feet didn't feel like they were on fire.  I think a change in my music playlist really kicked my spirits up a notch.  Today's playlist included:

"Highway Star" -- Deep Purple
"Paranoid" -- Black Sabbath
"Fuel" -- Metallica
"Mony Mony" -- Billy Idol
"Little Bird" -- Annie Lennox

It's good stuff.  I highly recommend it ;)  Now I'm off to run errands and take care of stuff I neglected over the weekend - whoops!  I don't regret it though because my weekend was fantastic -- brunch with boyfriend and friends, checking out a new neighborhood, taking a break from everything, Big Love...  nothing wrong with that.

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