Well, it's Friday! I've been a little sidetracked this week and lagging on the posts, but for very good reason. I mentioned earlier this week that I was up for two jobs, and I couldn't be happier to announce to you all that I got one! That's right. As of yesterday, the papers have been signed, sealed and delivered, and I am employed :). I can just feel my body starting to fill out my big girl clothes already...
In addition to being very excited about my new job, I'm also excited that within a matter of hours Conor & I will be on our way to Lake Tahoe and, officially, my first trip to the snow... ever! I know, I know -- I've been deprived. But I'm so excited to see a real winter wonderland. I've always pictured snowy locations as very romantic -- not necessarily in a "lovers getaway" kind of romantic, but rather in the kind of romantic that people like myself get caught up in, expecting hot cocoa by a fire every night in an old wooden lodge, and forming a perfectly spherical snowball to throw at friends while frolicking through the snow... Yeah, I'm that cheeseball. Nonetheless, I'm expecting a fabulous weekend of snow angels and celebratory lagers. I'm hoping to have pictures when we return but historically I'm not the best when it comes to documenting moments like these.
Anyway, I hope you all have an equally as exciting weekend and I'll catch you on the flip side.
Just don't go leaving your camera there ;)