I don't know if there's anyone else out there like myself who looks for excuses not to work out, but if you are one of those people, I have to say this to you: Just start, and I promise you it will get easier! But the first few times can be a bitter struggle so here are just a few things that really help me get the best out of my workouts and not want to throw my running shoes at someone's head...
1. FRS and/or espresso has been key for me. They really get me going and keep me going. With regards to the FRS, I like the Low-cal Orange drink concentrate (best bang for your buck), and any of the chews are palatable (notice I didn't say "delicious") and handy to have around. For espresso, I'm going to have to support my Nor Cal roots and say Blue Bottle Coffee is my go to. Not just because their based in the Bay Area, but because the coffee is just THAT good, plus it's organic and shade grown. What else would you expect from Nor Cal? We always have some of their beans on hand so just I make myself a quick shot before hopping on the treadmill.
2. Walking with my mom has been uber helpful. The first portion of the workout flies by because we basically chat the time away. The chatting also helps me forget that it's 6:30 am and 40 degrees outside. So I highly recommend working out with a buddy. If you're doing cardio on a machine and don't have a buddy, a good magazine or book is your next best friend; anything really to keep your mind off the fact that you're working out.
3. MUSIC! There have been days, in the past at least, when I wouldn't workout because my iPod wasn't charged. It's bad enough that I'm on a treadmill going nowhere and staring at the same point on the wall. But if I don't have some good music to jam to then forget it! Here are just a few songs that really get me pumped, especially during a run:
"Life During Wartime" - Talking Heads
"Everybody Wants You" - Billy Squire
"Shake It Up" - The Cars
"Run to The Hills" - Iron Maiden (for obvious reasons)
"The Girl's Attractive" - Diamond Nights
"My Sharona" - The Knack
"Kodachrome" - Paul Simon
4. They say that variety is the spice of life, and I think it's especially true for workouts. Nothing is more discouraging to me than waking myself up bright and early to repeat the SAME EXACT THING THAT I DID THE DAY BEFORE. Plus it has this eerie "Groundhog Day" feeling to it, like my life is going nowhere - yikes! So when I see good workout moves in magazines or online, etc., I tear them out and keep them in a binder so I can always refer back to them. I'll incorporate different moves into my routine and mix them up from time to time. That way my body doesn't get too familiar with them, causing my efforts to plateau, and I dread the deed less. It's a win-win.
F.Y.I.: I'm smack dab in the middle of week 2 and I haven't backed down once! I'm feeling good... really, really good!
"My Sharona" - The Knack
"Kodachrome" - Paul Simon
4. They say that variety is the spice of life, and I think it's especially true for workouts. Nothing is more discouraging to me than waking myself up bright and early to repeat the SAME EXACT THING THAT I DID THE DAY BEFORE. Plus it has this eerie "Groundhog Day" feeling to it, like my life is going nowhere - yikes! So when I see good workout moves in magazines or online, etc., I tear them out and keep them in a binder so I can always refer back to them. I'll incorporate different moves into my routine and mix them up from time to time. That way my body doesn't get too familiar with them, causing my efforts to plateau, and I dread the deed less. It's a win-win.
F.Y.I.: I'm smack dab in the middle of week 2 and I haven't backed down once! I'm feeling good... really, really good!
I am not a trained or certified anything. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any new supplements or programs.
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