Thursday, April 1, 2010

:: LIFE :: A Group Worth Joining

I'm know I'm probably the last person to ask you this but, have you heard of Groupon yet?  I've been getting their daily emails for a while now and while they're all fun and intriguing, every once in a while I see one that makes me go "HELLO!"  So far I've purchase Groupons for a massage, a pedicure, food, spa treatments, and even a dental exam.  And I spent at least half as much on each one that I would normally spend for something of the like.  Believe me, when you're unemployed you learn how to get what you want at a low cost ;).  But now that I am employed I can purchase even the frivolous Groupons that I would normally pass up.

Anyway, enough about my spending habits.  You'll hear about that more later, I'm sure of it.  I HIGHLY recommend signing up for Groupon!  I mean really... who wouldn't want to purchase a totally legit, $90 spa treatment for a measly $35?  IT'S A STEAL.  Deals are only available in certain cities, but they are adding cities all the time and the more people who sign up, the wider they will cast their fabulously frugal nets.  So go to Groupon and sign up now!

1 comment:

  1. I've surfed the net more than three hours today, and your blog was the coolest of all. Thanks a lot, it is really useful to me
