Wednesday, January 2, 2013

:: LIFE:: My! My! How the Time Flies!

Funny thing happens when someone with self-diagnosed ADD starts a blog...  Something else usually comes along and demands whatever attention is left in the reserve.  And so I find myself here: attempting to resuscitate my blog after two years and eight months of being in a social coma.  Whether it was my blog of myself in the actual coma is debatable, so let's forgo the technicalities and move on what really matters.

What the hell have I been up to since my last post, you ask?  If you're completely new to :: a girl in the life :: and/or didn't know a thing about me two and half years ago, I recommend catching up by reading my first post.  Though many of the details have drastically changed since then, the voice is still a surprisingly accurate depiction of who I am today.  I say "surprisingly" because I feel as though every year of my 20s has been rife with personal transformation and revolution.  All good, of course, even if the means to get to this point hasn't always been fun.  But I'm pleased to find that I'm still the same ol' girl at heart.

Now as far as those details though...

I am happy to announce that shortly after I stopped posting the last time around, I did, in fact, make the move from my parents' house in San Jose to the amazing city of San Francisco, where I have a cozy studio apartment all to myself.  Although small, it's in a beautiful 1900s building with that undeniable San Francisco charm, and I'm in the same neighborhood as the historical Painted Ladies (yep, that's my a view from my block).  A couple of the major selling points for me were the two walk-in closets.  Unfortunately, my wardrobe and shoes still prove to produce containment challenges.  It might have something to do with that pesky shopping problem and the ever-growing inventory, but I really think people just need to be making closets bigger.

The most recent big life change is that I'm newly unemployed.  I had been working for an amazing company for the last two and half years, where unfortunately things started to go awry for my department and I was laid off.  To sum it up, I'll just say this: politics, egos, shady practices, egos, pathetic managers, EGOS, and pusses.  I'm not a "yes man," or someone who let's slackers get away with shenanigans, so I wasn't surprised when the news was delivered.  While I loved what I did and most of the people I worked with, my job had become a major downer and was sapping my energy in more areas of my life than I had realized.  So it was really the best thing that could have happened, and I am SO enjoying my free time.  Hence, my blog revival!

Last but not least, I am single again.  Again, shortly after that last post, my ex and I called it quits as a result of being in a long distance relationship and generally just being on different pages.  It was a rough period for me, and I went through so many phases during the first few months.  I found some ways to distract myself, which led to some interesting experiences... But all it all, I've learned a lot about myself and relationships in general and I have my ex to thank for being a major contribution to my personal growth.  He's still living in Texas so we don't ever see each other, but we communicate occasionally and I would definitely consider him a friend.

So here I am today, with a total freedom and a world of possibilities in front of me.  It's funny how sometimes the things that are out of our control or that are not as we planned are the things that end up having the biggest, positive impact on our lives.  I've found that to be a major trend in my life, and somehow I've always managed to come out doing better than before.  I recently came across this print, which I immediately ordered because I felt it pretty much hit the nail on the head.  I'm filled with nothing but excitement as we kick off the new year and I get to discover what challenges await me!

Stay tuned while I tune up :: a girl in the life :: and begin to deliver, yet again, some little bits from this girl's life, along with things that I find inspirational, fun and fabulous from others.  Happy New Year!

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