Thursday, January 10, 2013

:: LIFE :: Cable TV Premiere Week

Along with the perks of being unemployed -- an open-ended schedule, guilt-free lazy days and rush hour avoidance -- there comes moments of pure, absolute boredom as well.  The problem with not working when everyone else is, is that you rarely have a companion to enjoy your free time with.  So when all the laundry, shopping, cooking and cleaning is done, you find yourself doing unspeakable things to pass the time, like browser-window shopping for hours on end, alphabetizing your pantry, and watching whatever millionaire, hillbilly marathon is on cable.  Fortunately, when the marathons happen to be of some of your favorite shows, you feel much less ashamed and you start becoming absorbed into the made-up reality of the show.  I mean, who doesn't pretend they've just been summoned by the dressing gong at Downton Abbey?

Speaking of Downton Abbey, I have to admit I'm a late comer to the opulent Yorkshire drama.  When I heard the third season was premiering last Sunday, I hastily acquired a Hulu+ account and began catching up on the first two seasons.  I've just begun the second season, and should be completely caught up to the new season by next week.  Everyone was right: it's ridiculously good!  I'm actually going to be sad when I'm caught up and have to wait a week between episodes.

However after this weekend, I'll have plenty of my other favorites to keep my occupied.  Premiering this Sunday are some of my absolute favorite shows: Shameless and House of Lies on Showtime, and Girls on HBO.  If you haven't had a chance to check out any of these yet, you're not yet too far behind and I highly recommend that you hop on it!

Shameless and House of Lies are not for the faint of heart, nor for the square.  Both shows are dark, gritty and disturbingly hilarious, and both portray exaggerated realities that many of would have a hard time identifying with.  Shameless follows the struggles of a quasi-orphaned family of six kids desperately trying to pay their bills via sometimes, well, shameless means, while their dead-beat, addict father alienates the entire city of Chicago, including his kids.  House of Lies takes you into the back-stabbing world of management consultants, who live large and unapologetically screw each other over, and just screw each other.  It's kind of a mind-F to watch them back to back, as they are aired, but I suggest it anyway ;).

Girls is a satirical comedy about four, young -- you guessed it -- girls living in NYC.  Rather on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum from Sex and the City, these girls are less about being fabulous and finding Mr. Right, and more about being unabashedly willing to make mistakes while finding their place in the world.  The cast is superb and Lena Dunhamn writes some funny shit.  Period.  Watch it.

Already a fan of Girls?  You'll most definitely enjoy this special little treat from Joanna Goddard's Q&A with the costume designer on Girls, featured on A Cup of Jo this Tuesday.

{via A Cup of Jo}

Get your glasses of vino ready -- Sunday is going to be a big night!


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